Intro to Ball Runs

You are going to be an engineer.  Use the engineering design process to decide on a problem, and then solve it.  Decide what kind of ball run you are going to build and the problem YOU are going solve.  Remember, part of the engineering design process is evaluating problems you might have.  If you ball run doesn't work the first time, rebuild it and try again. You can always make it better.


Less comfortable: Build a run that is at least five blocks long.

Comfortable: Build a run that has at least two turns.

More Comfortable: Build a run that starts at least two feet up and ends at the bottom.  The run should have at least 2 turns.

Or: Design your own challenge. 

Take two videos of your ball run on your grade's iPad.  One video should have your name.  One video should NOT have your names.

Ball Runs.mp4